

A Hospitalist is a provider who specializes in caring for patients who are admitted to the hospital. Our Hospitalists will manage your care during your hospitalization, coordinate and consult with specialists, evaulate your progress, and communicate your care plan with you, your family, and your primary care provider if you would like. Having our Hospitalists care for you during your stay can result in a more timely and efficient hospital experience. When you leave the hospital, your primary care provider will resume responsibility for your care.

Hospitalists are on site at the hospital seven days a week to provide ongoing and immediate care. Your care and your response to medications and interventions is CMH's primary concern. The Hositalists are able to review test results, x-rays, monitor your vital signs, and place new orders while at CMH or remotely.

If your physician or specialist believes that you need to be hospitalized, he or she will coordinate your admission with our Hospitalist staff. If you are admitted through the Emergency Department, your primary care provider will be notified. Once admitted, the Hospitalists will be in charge of your care and see you daily. Throughout your stay, they will work together with your primary care provider to ensure you obtain the best possible care.

  • The Hospitalist will:

    • Assess and treat your medical condition, working closely with the team of caregivers to ensure communication of vital information and continuity of care.

    • Order tests and procedures, follow up on results, and expedite adjustments to your care.

    • Manage your pre-operative evaluation and peri-operative care, if you are hospitalized for elective procedures.

    • Coordinate your care with specialists, should the need arise. (For example, your hospitalist would consult a cardiologist for a newly identified heart problem.)

  • Questions you may have about Hospitalist Care:

    • Who will talk to my family while I am in the hospital?

      • With your permission, the Hospitalist will contact your family and will be available throughout the day to answer questions you or your family may have. You may also call your primary care provider, who will have current information on your condition.

    • Will my primary care provider know what happens during my hospitalization?

      • The hospitalist will be in frequent contact with your physician, relaying the details of your care. Your provider will also be notified if anything unexpected happens during your stay. The Hospitalist will work with your primary care provider to facilitate the transition of your care back to the primary care physician after you are discharged from the hospital.  

    • What happens on weekends?

      • A Hospitalist is on duty seven days a week

    • What will happen when I am discharged?

      • A nurse will discuss your discharge medications and other instructions with you. Your first post-discharge office visit with your physician will be scheduled, and your physician will receive a summary of your stay, including discharge diagnoses, medications that have been ordered or stopped, and recommended follow up visits or treatments.

    • What are the benefits to me?

      • First and foremost, high quality care by highly trained physician specialists is available to you seven days a week. You can see the hospitalist as often as needed. The hospitalist is able to constantly assess your condition and modify the plan of care to meet your changing needs. The Hospitalist, a nurse and a clinical pharmacist will spend time with you and your family discussing your plan of care and following up on results as soon as they are received. The hospitalist will meet with your entire team of caregivers to ensure that everyone is well informed of your treatment plan and is working together with you to create a positive hospital experience and optimal health outcomes e. This helps prevent medical complications, reduce hospital stays and lower costs.

    • What happens when I leave the hospital?
      • Once you are discharged from the hospital, your primary care physician will resume responsibility for your medical care. Your Hospitalist will communicate with your physician to help ensure a smooth transition.  For those patients who do not have their own physician, they will be referred to a qualified physician who will care for them after leaving the hospital.

Meet Our Hospitalist Team 

Rowland Rivero, DO Rowland Rivero, DO
Crystal Trabel, CNP Crystal Trabel, CNP
Hospital Employed  Providers
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